Sunday, March 1, 2009

What will you do when doubt creeps in?

There are many different aspects that live inside of us and two of them I respectfully dubbed the Dreamer and Doubter. When it comes to pursuing our dreams, The Dreamer is often gung ho while the Doubter can provide a laundry list of concerns and issues.

After a speech in Rome, a woman with a beautiful accent asked me to tell her one of my personal dreams. Assuming I'd never see her again, I decided to share a dream I had never spoken out loud, one I had kept such a good secret that even I was beginning to forget it.

"My dream is to spend the summer writing in the Greek Islands," I said all in one breath.
She handed me her card and replied, "I have a villa in Greece. Why don't you come as my guest?"
I was floored and reminded that amazing things happen when we share our dreams. I was elated, or more accurately, part of me was. Here's a peek inside my head. See if this kind of interchange sounds familiar.
These were some excerpts from Dreams are Whispers from the Soul by Marcia Wieder. Click here to watch the clip... Dreams are Whispers from the Soul

Marcia Wieder is Founder of Dream University with over twenty years coaching, training and speaking experience. Marcia has appeared on Oprah, The Today Show, in her own PBS-TV special and is past president of the National Association of Women Business Owners.
Aseem Kaistha
It's your attitude and not your aptitude that determines your altitude.

1 comment:

A New Beginning said...

A good motivational boost.Best